Sacred Ayahuasca vine in Sasaima, Colombia

Sacred Ayahuasca vine in Sasaima, Colombia.


Dr. Tafur offers an online course as a supplement to his book The Fellowship of the River, entitled the River Course. This 7-week course will include weekly classes with Dr. Tafur on Wednesday nights, 6:00-8:00 pm PDT. The current session is now closed for registration and the next course will be offered in 2025.

This online course introduces students to the art and science of ancestral spiritual healing techniques and their relevance to the expanding world of psychedelic-assisted therapies. Dr. Tafur’s book, The Fellowship of the River: A Medical Doctor’s Exploration into Traditional Amazonian Plant Medicine (FOR), will serve as our guiding text as we explore the role of spiritual healing in modern healthcare and moreover the intersection between biology, emotion and spirituality. Author, physician and curandero Dr. Joe Tafur will guide us through this series, drawing upon his years of work as a physician as well as his experience with Ayahuasca ceremony and Amazonian master plants.

We will explore how we can utilize sacred medicines (psychedelic therapies and sacramental plants) within a spiritual context. Building upon the experience of ancestral wisdom, we will explore the practical and potential benefits of doing so. Along the way we will integrate knowledge from the expanding world of evidence-based scientific research.